New Year, New Electric Motor Repair Blog
Jan 27, 2015
1 min read
A blog for an electric motor repair shop? Seriously? Well, these days it seems like everyone online has got a blog and gotta blog, so why not give an electric motor repair blog a go.
To date the John’s Electric Motor Service website has had nearly 700 views and close to 300 visitors. OK, hardly earthshaking, and perhaps some simply got lost in their search for Papa John’s Pizza. But for a local, long-time old-school motor repair shop that just got on board the Internet engine last July, it’s pretty exciting to have people find us online. And, thus, we begin the John’s Electric Motor Blog… because it’s cool to fix things.
Stay tuned for posts about:
What’s On the Workbench (some of the interesting jobs that come through the shop)
Electric Motor Lore (for the motor geeks among us)
Question Box (things people ask us through the website or in person)
Motor Haiku (the zen of motor repair and finding the poetry in the practical pursuit of making things work again)
Let us know what you think. (Wheaton’s Law applies…)
Motor Haiku 1
how the world is run? electromagnetism motors everywhere