Well, the shop’s been without a sign for well over a month. The old one was looking really faded, and a failed touch-up and stencil attempt by one-who-will-remain-nameless had left us with just the word JOHN’s — with a backward-facing N! — on one side.
Overheard a neighborhood couple walking by one evening. The guy said, “Hey, their N is backwards,” and his wife replied, “Oh, that’s been that way for years.”

Peter and Will with the new sign
But — drumroll, please — John’s now has a brand-new sign, courtesy of famed Santa Cruz artist and muralist Peter Bartczak of Clownbank Studio. We built Peter a compressor, and he painted us an awesome new sign.
And — longer drumroll — we’re talking plans to put an actual mural on the big blank wall along the side of the shop. Peter’s designing a homage to Nikola Tesla—inventor of the AC induction motor, among many other visionary things. A fitting artwork for an electric motor repair shop for sure. More details coming soon.
Signing off for now…

Nameless no more!